What are the requirements to open a business account?

The prerequisites for initiating a business account with FV Bank are:

  • Legal Name of Business
  • Principal place of business
  • Mailing address of business
  • Customer contact (telephone and email)
  • Customer website where applicable
  • Customer's Certificate of Incorporation or Memorandum and Articles of Association (if applicable)
  • Resolution of the Board of Directors or equivalent to open an account 
  • Name of Authorized person opening account, appears in resolution if not a UBO
  • Completed ID verification of Authorized Person 
  • Names of all UBO with 25% or more ownership
  • KYC of all UBO's
  • If UBO is a Corporation, then we require Corporation documents and UBO KYC same as mia applicant.
  • All self-assessment questions complete in application
  • POA of Authorized User and UBO

Open an account HERE

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